Download Surat Al Waqiah Mp3

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About Surah Al Waqiah. Artist: Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais. Listen online and download mp3 tilawat of Surah Al Waqiah in the voice of Imam e Kaabaa Sheikh Abdul Rehman As Sudais.

We provide Surat Al Waqiah mp3 1.6 APK file for Android 3.0+ and up.Surat Al Waqiah mp3 is a free Education app.It's easy to download and install to your mobile phone.Please be aware that ApkPlz only share the original and free pure apk installer for Surat Al Waqiah mp3 1.6 APK without any modifications.The average rating is 4.83 out of 5 stars on playstore.If you want to know more about Surat Al Waqiah mp3 then you may visit merahkemarun support center for more informationAll the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright,please contact us.


Surat Al Waqiah mp3 is the property and trademark from the developer merahkemarun. Didalam aplikasi Surat Al Waqiah ini telah dilengkapi dengan bacaan Arab, Latin, Terjemahan dan Mp3 dengan murotal Mishary Rashid Alafasy.Fitur Aplikasi. Surat Al Waqiah Arab dan Mp3 murotal Mishary Rashid Alafasy.

Surat Al Waqiah Arab, Latin, Terjemahan dan Mp3 murotal Mishary Rashid Alafasy. Keutamaan dan Manfaat Surat Al-Waqi'ahKhasiat dan Keutamaan Membaca Surat Al Waqiah Untuk Rezeki & Kekayaan1. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Barang siapa yang membacasurat Al Waqi’ah setiap hari nya. Maka dia tidak akan di timpadengan kefakiran.2.

  1. Listen Surah Waqiah in Arabic mp3 Audio with complete ayaats and tilawat in beautiful voices. This page also help to learn Quran in an easy way as you can read online Quran and listen both at same time. Surah Waqiah is the 56th Surah of Holy Quran which was revealed in Mecca city. There are 96 verses and 3 Ruko in this Surah.
  2. Surat al waqiah mp3 download - Pada kesempatan ini, akan berbagi untuk anda yang sedang mencari surat ini dalam format MP3.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Ajarkan lah surat Al Waqiahkepada isteri­isteri mu. Karena sesungguhnya Surat Al Waqiahadalah surat kekayaan. (dari Hadis riwayat Ibnu Ady).3. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Barang siapa yang membacasurat Al waqi’ah setiap malam hari. Maka dia tidak akan di timpakemiskinan dan kesusahan selama­lamanya.

(yang diriwayatkanoleh Baihaqi dari Ibnu Mas’ud r.a).4. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Bagi siapa membaca surat AlWaqi’ah setiap malam harinya.

Maka dia tidak akan tertimpakemiskinan dan kesusahan selamanya. Karena surat Al Waqiahmerupakan surah kekayaan, maka bacalah ia ajarkanlah kepadaanak­anakmu semua.5. Imam Ja’far Ash Shadiq sa berkata: Bagi siapa rajinmembaca Al Waqiah saat malam jum’at, dia akan di cintai olehAllah, di cintai oleh manusia, serta tidak melihat kefakiran,kesengsaraan, kebutuhan, serta penyakit dunia. Surat inimerupakan bagian dari sahabat Amirul Mukimin sa yang bagaibeliau mempunyai keistimewaan yang tidak tertandingan olehlain.

(Tafsir Nur Ats­ Tsaqalayn 5/203).6. Ubay bin Ka’b berkata bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Bagisiapa membaca surat Al Waqi’ah. Maka dia dicatat tidaktergolong pada orang2 yang lalai. (Tafsir Nur Ats Tsaqalayn5/203).7.

Download Surah Al Waqiah Mp3 Mishary

Abdullah bin Mas’ud berkata bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Bagi siapa membaca surat Al Waqi’ah. Maka dia tidak akantertimpa kefakiran selama nya. (dari Tafsir Nur Ats Tsaqalayn5/203).8. Imam Baihaqi meriwayatkan dari Ibnu Mas’ ud berkata: Akudengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Barang siapa membacasurat Al Waqi’ah setiap malam hari.

Maka dia tidak akan tertimpakemiskinan.9. Ad Dailamiy dari Anas bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda.:Surat Al Waqi’ah merupakan surat kekayaan, maka bacalah iadan ajar kan kepada anak­anakmu semua.10. Imam Ja’far Ash Shadiq sa berkata: Barang siapamerindukan surga dan sifat­sifatnya. Maka bacalah surat AlWaqi’ah ini, dan bagi siapa ingin melihat sifat­sifat neraka, makabacalah surat As­Sajadah. (Tsawabul A’mal halaman 117).11. Imam Muhammad Al Baqir sa berkata: Bagi siapa membacasurat Al Waqiah hendak ingin tidur. Dia akan berjumpa denganAllah dalam keadaan wajah nya seperti bulan purnama.(Tsawabul A’mal pada halaman 117).12.

Apabila kekal membaca surat Al Waqiah pada malam hari.Maka mereka akan dijauhkan dari kemiskinan.13. Apabila dibaca surat Al Waqiah minimal sebanyak 14 setelahshalat Ashar secara rutin.

Maka maka mereka akan memperolehkekayaan yang melimpah.14. Apabila dibaca surat Al Waqiah sebanyal 41 setiap hari makasegala hajat berkaitan dengan rezeki akan dikabulkan danditunaikan.15. Apabila dibaca Al Waqiah minimal sebanyak 40 kali padasetiap malam hari selama 40 hari berturut­turut. Maka niscayarezeki akan mengalir deras.Semoga aplikasi ini bermanfaat, silahkan memberikan komentar untuk aplikasi ini. In Surat Al Waqiah application has been equipped with reading Arabic, Latin, translation and Mp3 with murotal Mishary Rashid Alafasy.Features Applications. Surah Al Waqiah Arab and Mp3 murotal Mishary Rashid Alafasy. Surah Al Waqiah Arabic, Latin, translation and Mp3 murotal Mishary Rashid Alafasy.

The virtues and benefits of Surat Al-Waqi'ahEfficacy and Virtue Reading Surat Al Waqiah For Sustenance & Wealth1. The Prophet SAW said: Whoever is readingsurat Al Waqi'ah her every day.

Then he will not overridewith indigence.2. The Prophet SAW said: Teach was a letter Al Waqiahto isteriisteri mu. Because the real Surat Al Waqiahis a letter of wealth. (Hadith of Ibn Ady).3. The Prophet SAW said: Whoever is readingsurat Al Waqi'ah every night.

Download Surat Al Waqiah Mp3

Then he will not overrideselamalamanya poverty and distress. (Narratedby Baihaqi from Ibn Mas'ud r.a).4. The Prophet SAW said: For those who read the letter alWaqi'ah every night. Then he will not be crushedpoverty and distress forever. Because the letter Al Waqiaha surah of wealth, then read it teach toanakanakmu all.5. Imam Ja'far Sadiq sa Ash said: For anyone diligentread Al Waqiah time Friday night, he will be loved byGod, loved by humans, and did not see poverty,misery, needs, as well as the world's ills.

This letteris part of Amirul Mukimin sa friend who likehe has a privilege not tertandingan byother. (Tafsir Nur Ats Tsaqalayn 5/203).6. Ubay ibn Ka'b said that the Prophet SAW said: ForAnyone who reads the letter Al Waqi'ah. So he recorded nobelonging to the orang2 negligent.

(Tafsir Nur Ats Tsaqalayn5/203).7. Abdullah bin Mas'ud said that the Prophet SAW said: For those who read the letter al Waqi'ah.

Then he will notstricken during his indigence. (Of Tafsir Nur Ats Tsaqalayn5/203).8. Al-Bayhaqi narrated from Ibn Mas' ud said: Iheard Rasulullah SAW said: Whoever readssurat Al Waqi'ah every night. Then he will not be crushedpoverty.9. Ad Dailamiy from Anas that the Prophet SAW said.:Surat Al Waqi'ah a wealth letter, read itand teach right to anakanakmu all.10. Imam Ja'far Sadiq sa Ash said: WhosoeverHeaven and characteristics have been missed. Then recite surat AlWaqi'ah this, and for those who want to see the properties of hell, thenAsSajadah read the letter.

(Tsawabul A'mal page 117).11. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir sa said: For anyone readingsurat Al Waqiah going to want to sleep. He will meet withGod in a state of his face like a full moon.(Tsawabul A'mal on page 117).12. If the eternal reciting surat Al Waqiah at night.Then they will be kept away from poverty.13. If the reading of Surah Al Waqiah minimum of 14 afterAsr prayer on a regular basis.

Then they will gainabundant wealth.14. If the reading of Surah Al Waqiah sebanyal 41 every day thenall the hunger associated with sustenance will be granted andfulfilled.15. If read Al Waqiah minimum of 40 times onevery night for 40 consecutive days. Then surelysustenance will be flowing.Hopefully this app useful, please leave a comment for this application.