Best Hoi4 Division Templates

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Best Hoi4 Division Templates 4,4/5 1405 votes

With regards to trying to fight armour, a single AT battalion/support AT per division is enough at a minimum: 'A division's piercing is equal to 40% of the highest piercing in the division plus 60% of the weighted-average piercing of all battalions in the division' - HoI4 Wiki Final Thoughts. Combat takes place with one province attacking another at 80 width. Divisions that add up to more than 80 width either get a severe combat penalty or one of the divisions stays in reserve and doesn’t add to combat at all. HoI4 The Best Naval Composition - Reman's Paradox In this video I analyze naval combat in HoI4 to figure out which ships would comprise the best naval composition.

  1. Best Hoi4 Division Templates

. Published on Dec 10, 2016. I made a more up to date video on division design! Its a 2 parter Watch the whole series: Support me on Patreon! Get awesome rewards!

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☐ Subscribed? Subscribe to my channel for more gaming videos! Year agoI need explanation of Support Companies: What is the benefit of having 1 AT support company vs 1 AT Infantry Battalion or a Light or Medium Tank Destroyer? What templates should always get what support companies? I only understood that light, medium and heavy armor ALWAYS need the Logistics support and the Maintenance companies to negate the high supply usage and low reliability (tbh, I never checked reliability of late war armor. Might be enough to be sustained without maintenance support?) Except for the high cost (10 pts!!!) of support companies I dont know if they can determine whether you will survive the battle or die trying, or even might win the war.

Year ago +3AH, I didn't notice this is from a year ago. 0) Engineers are pretty much autoinclude with any template; they're just too good to pass up.

Field Hospitals help retain more XP when a division suffers losses and gets reinforcements, so it's not just for countries with low manpower. One reason not to go for Modern Armour (at least not right away) is having a stockpile of older tanks and not enough new ones to make the switch. But then 'Waking the Tiger' will add an option to scrap old / unneeded equipment. AA is kinda crap against enemy CAS, but it does give some piercing for cheaper than proper AT guns. A thing of note is that some Field Marchals have -10% combat width, which means width 11, 22 or 44 becomes best (and even bigger with Mass Assault). Another thing of note is that with enough Manpower and industry, 40 width divisions are just better than 20 width divisions, mostly because of how attack and defence work and how divisions randomize their target every hour.

1) The 7 Inf + 2 Art main job is to hold the line and it does that well enough. Poor nations might go with 8 or 9 Inf and 1 Art instead and struggle to produce even that. 2) Haha, adding a light tank to Cavalry actually makes the starting cavalry useful for a couple years at least.

It gets decent speed and defence and enough Armor for starting infantry to be unable to pierce it. The biggest downsides are spending 25 army experience to add the tank and producing light tanks which will soon be obsolete. I might try it. 3) MaxCommando: I disagree about keeping Mountaineers / Marines pure; with Artillery they still get decent terrain bonuses and that extra soft attack is just too good to pass up. Paratroopers should get at least support artillery and possibly also support rocket artillery and AT. Some people even mix a few commando battalions with Infantry to get partial bonuses. 4) Cheap AT: I wouldn't bother making a special AT infantry template; just add those AT guns (or AA guns if you're cheap) to those templates that need them.

You want just enough Piercing to defeat enemy's Armour, the extra hard attack matters much less. Using 20 width divisions for garrison is a bit of an overkill, but OK. 5) Budget Mobility: If all this does is reducing unrest or taking undefended terrain, then it can make do with fewer than 5 battalions. If it goes into actual combat, it will melt, even with engineers, reckon, MP and support artillery. 6) MD Heavy Prod: I'd rather put in Field Hospitals (XP retention) and Maintenance or Supply Company, because the Support Artillery and Support Rocket Artillery don't make much difference with 2 SPArt. HP and Org are rather low, so I'd also replace 1 Tank with 1 Mechanized.

Mobile Warfare with Mobile Infantry path will fix it, though. 7) SP Infantry: Yeah, 7 Inf, 2 Art, Engineers, Reckon, Support AT is a good build. 8) A cheaper version of SP Heavy is to have 8-9 Inf and 1 Heavy SP Artillery. This gives you more soft attack than 2 normal artillery and enough armour for early-game Inf to not be able to pierce it.

Best Hoi4 Division Templates

9) SP Inf+ looks like a weak build. I'd much rather make 50% more artillery and switch 3 Inf for 2 Arty. This build would be sensible with Paratroopers, though.

Integrated support won't overcome 40% Soft attack penalty on Support Companies compared to 25% bonus for normal artillery and that doctrine isn't worth it IMO. As of 1.4, you get more soft attack per production with normal Art Battalions over Support Art, but this will change with Waking the Tiger. 10) SP Fire+Armor. This is another weird build. If you want Soft Attack so much, just switch Artillery to a second SP Heavy Artillery. This will even make the division faster.

It also suffers from low HP, Org and Breakthrough, which will make it melt when attacking. Not worth the production cost IMO. 11) MA Human Wave: Another weird build. When the doctrine is combined with a commander who reduces width, 50 width of Inf becomes 40, but it would be much much better to just go with something like 15 Inf + 4 Art + 1 AT. This gives you width 43 which gets reduced to 40. Or 17 Inf + 3 Art + support AT. But yeah, if you have 10M+ manpower, but not enough factories to make enough artillery, spamming this build will fill the front lines.