Wolf Guard Pack Leader

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Wolf Guard Pack Leader 4,4/5 3032 votes

IRONDOG StudiosHere are some pictures of my Space Wolves, one of the armiesthat sidetracked me on my long journey back to the Orks.These guys still hold a special place in my heart. I puta lot of sweat into building and painting them and I wona local tournament with these lads.My modelling skills have come a long way since making thisarmy. You'll probably see a fair few mold lines in thesepictures as well as a few painting flaws. Click on a thumbnail below for alarger image.HQ UnitsWulfgarWhitemane and BodyguardMy Wolf Lord and his retinue of WolfGuard Terminators. I run these guys in a drop pod so theycan drop in wherever they are needed. Once on the ground,they open up with 2 assault cannons and 3 bolter/plasmacombi-weapons.

Welcome to Wolf Pack!This is a wolf-lover website. It is still under construction and should have much more fun stuff soon! Newest Upgrade: Wolf Quiz! The Week's wolf is Grey Wolf. Within the wolf pack. Moreover, other pack members may guard the maternity den used by the alpha female; as with the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus. As dominant roles may be deemed normal among social species with extended parenting. You must communicate that.

And for close encounters, Wulfgar isarmed with a Frost Blade while the bodyguard has 2 powerweapons, a powerfist, and a chainfist. These lads are prettyexpensive, but they are soooo worth it.Magnusthe MightyMy Venerable Dreadnought, Magnus isthe centerpeice of my army. I never leave home without thisguy. Not only does he use up one of the many HQ slots thatthe Wolves are required to take, he's a dead hard Dreadnoughtto boot. I run him with an Assault Cannon and Close CombatWeapon so he tear through things at range as well as closeup.LoganStormclawMy Rune Priest armed with LightningClaws. This guy is one of my favorite characters.

He's areal monster in close combat, and tears through enemieslike butter. He's got a nasty reputation amongst many ofmy opponenents, with good reason, so I generally stick himwith a pack of Grey Hunters as a bodyguard to help soakup some of the fire that comes his way.UlricIronfistIf you're looking for a dead hard SpaceWolf HQ and you're tight on points, you can't go wrong witha Wolf Priest. This Space Wolf version of a Chaplain comesarmed to the teeth with just his basic equipment.

I tendto load him up a bit more, making him a tad more expensive,but he's still a bargain compared to some of the other choicesavailable to the Wolves.ElitesJorin'sWolf ScoutsLed by Jorin Icewolf (a Wolf Guard Leaderwith a Powerfist), this nasty pack of scouts is always apain in my opponent's ass. I use their 'Behindthe Lines' ability to pop up in the enemy's back line andstart tearing things up. In addition to Jorin's powerfist,there are two power weapons and a meltagun in the squad.These guys have turned the tide of many a game.TroopsHargan'sHuntersThis pack of Grey Hunter's is led byHargan Stormhammer, armed with a Thunderhammer. The restof the pack is armed with bolters, with several specialiststoting a power weapon, a powerfist, and a meltagun. Thereisn't much they can't handle.Thor'sBlood ClawsThor Thunderfist leads this hot-headedpack of Blood Claws. Blood Claws aren't much at shootingso these guys are loaded purely for close combat.


In additionto Thor's powerfist, there is another powerfist as wellas a power weapon in the pack. I tend to jam these guysright into the thick of things, where they make a real messof whatever they hit.GreyHuntersI run this pack of Grey Hunters withouta pack leader. This isn't to say they are any less effectivethan the other two packs.

These guys act asa bodyguard for one of my HQ units, usually Logan Stormclaw.They are armed in my standard Grey Hunter fashion; bolters,power weapon, powerfist, and meltagun, meaning they cantackle damn near anything and come out on top.Transport VehiclesHargan'sRhinoJust a standard Rhino Troop Transport,armed with a Storm Bolter, Extra Armor and Smoke Launchers.The lightning bolt symbol on the front fender matches thepack insignia on the shoulder pauldrons of Hargan and hisboys.Thor'sRhinoJust like Hargan's Rhino. Same armamentand the pack insignia on the fenders.GreyHunter's RhinoJust like the other Rhinos, with thesame armament and the pack insignia on the fenders.DropPodI made this baby loooong before thenew plastic drop pod was available from Games Workshop.Back in the day, the only game in town for Drop Pods wasForgeworld. A resin model with a hefty price tag and flimsydoor hinges that broke easily. Sim settlements all in one. To hell with that. My DropPod is made from balsa wood and the cardboard from a cerealbox.

It may not have the same detail as the Forgeworld pod,but it was a LOT cheaper.Fast AttackAttackBike SquadronI used to ride motorcycles. I can tellyou from experience, sidecars are NOT off-road equipment.Instead of the standard GW models, I wanted something less'low-rider' looking for my attack bikes.


Wolf Pack Leader

I converted upthese babies to look like they could handle some seriousrough terrain and still dish out the pain. I've also cookedup a bit of a forfolks interested in making their own.Heavy SupportWhirlwindThis is Vanir, my whirlwind. This thinghas showered death on many an enemy. It's one my favoritemodels. It's cheap, and can hide behind terrain while itrains down some nasty artillery on the enemy.