World Of Tanks Arty Mods

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World Of Tanks Arty Mods 3,8/5 7559 votes

What WW2 Fighter pilots say about Angels and Airspeed:'Nice job of getting down to the basics - love your choice of a cover!' Clarence 'Bud' Anderson'I have enjoyed reading angels and airspeed, it should prove good reading for all interested in combat tactics and their application related to the fluid air environment and state of technology in WWII years. All the best as you make it available.' Charles McGee - Tuskegee AirmanNEVER ENGAGE STUPID.Inline advert (2nd and 3rd post)- 05/16/11 02:44 AM Re: World of Tanks - WOW.Joined: Aug 2005Posts: 296MemberMemberJoined: Aug 2005Posts: 296.

  1. World Of Tanks Sound Mod
  • Download OldSkools ProMod for the game World of Tanks on the official website of WoT. Get an advantage over the enemy in battle.
  • This is an official page of Battle Assistant mod. Here you can find the latest version of Battle Assistant. Starting from WoT 9.18 the Battle Assistant should be.

World Of Tanks Sound Mod

As a game it's not great, but it is addictive. The tier system should provide for balanced gameplay between vehicles in the same tier but usually the match-make clumps together any vehicles it can find so long as they're 3 tiers above you. The goal-posts continually change, get a PZIII and it'll put you in with Tigers, get a PZ IV and it'll put you in with IS-3's.

Hello everyone, just to let you known – specifically those concerned with the legality of the Battle Assistant artillery mod that was posted about earlier today – good news: it is officially allowed on US server (which means there is 99 percent chance that it’s legal on EU server as well, since it’s legal on RU).

The system works a bit like a casino, it keeps you playing and the house doesn't lose. It took me about a weekend before I realised I was playing 'Dress-up Barbie: History Channel edition' purely for the sake of dressing up.If you really want to enjoy the game for the gameplay then I'd suggest getting an MS-1, teching it up and staying at tier 1 where there is atleast some balance.But it's free so shouldn't complain!Cheers. What WW2 Fighter pilots say about Angels and Airspeed:'Nice job of getting down to the basics - love your choice of a cover!' Clarence 'Bud' Anderson'I have enjoyed reading angels and airspeed, it should prove good reading for all interested in combat tactics and their application related to the fluid air environment and state of technology in WWII years. All the best as you make it available.'

Charles McGee - Tuskegee AirmanNEVER ENGAGE STUPID.- 05/16/11 02:29 PM Re: World of Tanks - WOW.Joined: Oct 2001Posts: 6,269HotshotHotshotJoined: Oct 2001Posts: 6,269. Like I say, when you're rolling around in loltraktors you're fine. It's when you get up to tiers 4,5 and 6 that you get the imbalance.EDIT: Here's the kind of imbalance I'm talking about.Putting a PZ III in against tanks 4 tiers higher is just ridiculous.

Moving through tiers 3, 4 and 5 can be a real grind, in many battles you're actually better off just hiding and hoping your team wins.And maybe you aren't so safe in the tier one tanks. Last battle I played there were 2 tier 1 tanks added into the battle. Thankfully for them we took pitty and formed a defensive ring around them else they wouldn't have lasted long.Cheers. It's true, the matchmaker hates you.without paying for a premium account, grinding to a higher tiered tank is slow and painful. I am lucky because I got to spend seven months playing the beta before the full release. During the beta I went crazy playing as many different tanks as I could before the full release wiped all my efforts away. So when full release rolled around, I knew exactly what tech tree branch to focus on in order to get those higher tier tanks.if you're playing F2P like me and want to get into a higher tier tank, the trick is to discover ASAP what kind of tank you enjoy playing with the most and then focusing on that tech tree branch without exception.

I'm not saying play with just one tank, but make one your main focus and never lose that focus or else you'll be puttering around in low tier tanks forever.join a clan or get to be friends with someone that has premium so you can form platoons and play together. Like most MMOGs, effective coordination and communication is going to see your team come out on top more often than not. Playing solo is going to really draw the grind out even longer than necessary.wish I had better advice for getting into a high tier tank, because part of the fun is figuring out what kind of tank(s) you like to drive. But the entire time you're finding out which type of tank floats your armored boat, it's all time wasted that could have been spent focusing on that one tech tree branch. You can research nearly every tier two tank for a nation after a couple of GOOD wins in the crapboxes. Then it is a matter of saving up credits to purchase those tanks, driving them around for a few battles and discovering what really fits your play style.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is to start focusing on a single branch ASAP. Especially for F2P players and people that WANT to drive higher tier tanks.personally, I focus on the American heavies. That means I save every single free xp point for that branch's modules (spend free xp for modules only, NOT for researching tanks), and every credit I save is for the next American heavy. I researched the tier eight heavy a couple of days ago and I'd be driving it now if I didn't get side tracked by grinding out the Russian's tier six heavy (for free garage stuff is cool).So yeah, you can drive a high tier tank with a F2P account. It may take you over a month like it did for me, but it is possible.oh, another suggestion I have is to get a 'money maker' tank for when you need credits. Arty is a good money maker, but I don't like playing arty so I use the Easy 8 Sherman as my money maker.

Mods portal wotWorld of tanks arty mods the mighty jingles

These money maker tanks are even more important as you get into the higher tiers, because the high tier tanks will NOT pay for themselves if you have a bad run of luck with many losses in a row. All premium tanks are money makers.- 05/18/11 03:14 AM Re: World of Tanks - WOW.Joined: Dec 2000Posts: 4,756Professional CynicProfessional CynicSenior MemberJoined: Dec 2000Posts: 4,756. Was playing till my system went south on me.Might be a blessing in disguise since I was stuck in the M3 Lee and that tank with no premium is a long painfull grind.I played the beta since September so I knew the shortcomings of the game and I won't play Russian so I was going US heavy but I'm not sure I'm going to bother going back once I get my gaming rig back up and running.It was starting to get boring due to slow progress and lack of content.- 05/18/11 03:18 PM Re: World of Tanks - WOW.Joined: Jun 2005Posts: 16,082VeteranVeteranJoined: Jun 2005Posts: 16,082.

What WW2 Fighter pilots say about Angels and Airspeed:'Nice job of getting down to the basics - love your choice of a cover!' Clarence 'Bud' Anderson'I have enjoyed reading angels and airspeed, it should prove good reading for all interested in combat tactics and their application related to the fluid air environment and state of technology in WWII years. All the best as you make it available.'

Charles McGee - Tuskegee AirmanNEVER ENGAGE STUPID.- 05/25/11 06:02 PM Re: World of Tanks - WOW.Joined: Jan 2001Posts: 2,217MemberMemberJoined: Jan 2001Posts: 2,217. Like I say, when you're rolling around in loltraktors you're fine. It's when you get up to tiers 4,5 and 6 that you get the imbalance.EDIT: Here's the kind of imbalance I'm talking about.Putting a PZ III in against tanks 4 tiers higher is just ridiculous.It's more like you're being ridiculous thinking your PZ III can take on the heavy tanks.Did you not read the game manual? You in your Panzer III are supposed to avoid combat with the heavies. It's like complaining that a foot solder in Arma with a submachine gun isn't able to take out an Abrams and blaming it on the game rather than the inherent ridiculousness of taking on an Abrams with an MP5.This imbalance you think is a flaw is a gameplay mechanism and one of its strengths - forcing you to play smart - or die.In your situation above I'd try to spot the enemy for my artillery, or avoid combat and try to slip around the heavies and go deep looking for the enemy's artillery and take them out to help my team. What WW2 Fighter pilots say about Angels and Airspeed:'Nice job of getting down to the basics - love your choice of a cover!'

Clarence 'Bud' Anderson'I have enjoyed reading angels and airspeed, it should prove good reading for all interested in combat tactics and their application related to the fluid air environment and state of technology in WWII years. All the best as you make it available.' Charles McGee - Tuskegee AirmanNEVER ENGAGE STUPID.- 05/27/11 12:52 PM Re: World of Tanks - WOW.Joined: Oct 2001Posts: 6,269HotshotHotshotJoined: Oct 2001Posts: 6,269. Have you ever seen how people handle the imbalance? 9 times out of 10 they suicide charge their A-20/PZ3 straight into the enemy formation purely to 'spot' targets for the purposes of harvesting XP. Why do they do that? Because there's literally no opponent on the server they have any chance of fighting.A PZ III has a speed advantage over a KV, ok.

A Hetzer can mount a half decent gun, fine. But a Cunningham has absolutely no advantages whatesoever over a PZ IV so why should it be placed into the same game? There's no playing in that match up.

Only dying.It's not about playing smart, it's all about encouraging people to skip their way up the ladder by purchasing gold. That's the choice of the developers and they're free to do whatever the heck they like. I chose to work my way up the ranks and I now rock a F2P Tiger so I have no problems.Cheers. This is what Im talking about:I tried to register during the beta phase, several times, and never received confirmation.

World of tanks arty sight mods

Now I appear to be caught in a loop in the process: I am trying to register (pressing the big play button on the home page) and the app indicates that my email address is already a registered user. When I try the password recovery it indicates that my email address is not a registered user. I also tried account recovery but that also does not recognize me and will not take the help request.Just to be sure I went through the process a few times with the same results.I put in a help ticket.I'm also downloading the games and see if I can just play without the email confirmation and Wolf suggested.

If it want raining so hard, Id ditch this and go fishing! This is what Im talking about:I tried to register during the beta phase, several times, and never received confirmation. Now I appear to be caught in a loop in the process: I am trying to register (pressing the big play button on the home page) and the app indicates that my email address is already a registered user. When I try the password recovery it indicates that my email address is not a registered user. I also tried account recovery but that also does not recognize me and will not take the help request.Just to be sure I went through the process a few times with the same results.I put in a help ticket.I'm also downloading the games and see if I can just play without the email confirmation and Wolf suggested. If it want raining so hard, Id ditch this and go fishing! Have you ever seen how people handle the imbalance?

9 times out of 10 they suicide charge their A-20/PZ3 straight into the enemy formation purely to 'spot' targets for the purposes of harvesting XP. Why do they do that? Because there's literally no opponent on the server they have any chance of fighting.A PZ III has a speed advantage over a KV, ok. A Hetzer can mount a half decent gun, fine.

But a Cunningham has absolutely no advantages whatesoever over a PZ IV so why should it be placed into the same game? There's no playing in that match up. Only dying.It's not about playing smart, it's all about encouraging people to skip their way up the ladder by purchasing gold. That's the choice of the developers and they're free to do whatever the heck they like. I chose to work my way up the ranks and I now rock a F2P Tiger so I have no problems.CheersOk, so it's the game's fault people are stupid?I work with two friends, one uses a light tank and operates a little forward to help with spotting, I support him as a heavy tank while a buddy supports me further back in his TD.It is ALL about playing smart.

Artillery (also known as self-propelled guns SPG or colloquially 'arty') is an often misunderstood class in World of Tanks. Playing as artillery takes patience, practice and basic knowledge of the 'hot zones' on maps.

Generally speaking, artillery has little to no armor, minimum health, and very low mobility. But where this class shines is through its armament: large-caliber guns that can severely cripple, if not outright destroy, an unsuspecting oppontent!Like other vehicle classes you must play to your strengths and minimize your weaknesess as best as you can. What Makes an Artillery?Large-caliber guns - the largest in the game, to be exact!When entering battle, many first-time artillery players think they are playing a variant of the tank destroyer class, given their large guns and lack of a turret. Artillery is not meant to rush into close or medium-range firefights; staying hidden by the base and picking off targets from afar are the goals here!Artillery fires rounds at an angle, allowing you to hit even concealed foesLow tier artillery probably won't seem much at first.

Their guns don't stand out and they'll easily be the least-flexlible class available; with no turrets and limited traverse speed and mobility. However, once you're exposed to mid and high tier artillery, that all changes and you'll get a glimpse at what this class truly has to offer.

Know Your Role and Shut Your HatchAlways remember to look at the composition of both teams when entering a battle. As artillery, take note of how many potential scouts you'll have as eyes, and how many enemy light tanks might be looking to hunt you down!Staying concealed is your best armorWhile allied scouts are sprinting to the frontlines for detection opportunities, use this time to relocate nearby to a place that offers both decent and unobstructed firing angles and safety. The corners of maps are common places to hide, but that also depends on the firing range of your specific artillery model. You'll need to experiment with locations on different maps in order to find the places that work best for you. Look for bushes to hide behind.

And remember - artillery have no armor, so staying out of direct lines of sight is vital! Play to Your StrengthsSay hello to my little friendKnow your strengths:. Splash damage.

Indirect fire. Force multipliersMost artillery come equipped with high-explosive rounds (HE) alongside standard armor-piercing (AP).

HE rounds have a lower chance at penetrating a target, but upon impact, they detonate, causing an explosion that can deal damage. Exploding HE rounds create a splash radius around the impact zone, allowing the shell's explosion to cause damage to nearby tanks. On regular tanks firing HE, this splash radius isn't much, but with large-caliber guns found on artillery, trying to increase your splash damage is a common tactic. Savvy artillery players will memorize choke points and locations where tanks group together to maximize their splash damage output.Indirect fire and artillery go hand in hand, and it's defintely a distinct advantage! Foes hiding behind indestructable objects can only be sussed out by artillery.

Some artillery have high firing arcs, allowing their rounds to land directly on top of a target, while others fire at a much flatter trajectory and have a chance to hit the side of a target. Being the only class that fires indirectly, artillery is your best bet at clearing a well defended position from afar.When a battle begins, artillery should note where their scouts are setting up to spot, and zero in nearby. But what happens once the battle is in full turmoil? If you had to guess where to fire next, look toward the main offensive push (or defense).

When in the middle of combat, most players will focus on what they can see, not taking into account what else might be stealthily aiming their way. There's nothing more back-breaking for the enemy than receiving and bouncing a few hits in a tank only to receive the final exclamation point by a well-placed artillery round. Focusing your fire on the main assault could turn the tide of battle in your favor - just try not to damage your allies who may be close to your targeted enemy!For you history buffs out there, think of this tactic like Blitzkrieg, where your team's fire is concentrated on a focal point in hopes of crushing all defenders.

Mastering ArtilleryFrom the start, you'll notice that aiming with artillery is quite different from the rest of the classes. By pressing and holding the left trigger (default option), you'll enter arty mode, where you have a top-down view of the battlefield with a large, green (often oval) aiming circle. By default, your controller is set so that you have to hold down the trigger to keep this aiming mode on, but in the Settings menu you can adjust this so that you don't have to hold it down.The green dots indicate that there is a clear path to your target, a red line indicates that something is in the way, and a white line means that you are out of range.Arty mode: this view is only available to artillery. Use it to zero in on unsuspecting preyNotice the oval of green dots around your target. This oval starts out large and gradually becomes smaller as it focuses on the target. The size of the circle, how fast it zeros in and how small the circle ultimately gets are entirely dependent on your selected artillery, its gun caliber, crews and equipment mounted.The dots indicate where your shot can land. If you don’t see dots, then your shot is obstructed, and you won’t be able to hit your target, even if the line is green.

The smaller the dots get before you fire, the better your accuracy! Be patient - it is better to wait a few more seconds to get better accuracy than to waste a shot and wait for the lengthy reload. Stay aware of enemy movement, although you may not be able to see, arty mode allows you to view trees being knocked down, buildings being damaged and muzzle flashes when the enemy fires.Locking your hull can also help your accuracy by keeping you locked in place.

Press Left on the directional pad to lock your hull (and remember to unlock once you relocate).When firing, remember that it could take a few seconds for your shot to reach its target. If your target is moving, you must factor in how much it will move between the time you fire and the time the shot arrives. This skill takes practice to learn, but there's nothing more satisfying than hitting a moving target!Artillery is all about patience. Take the time to find a target, wait for your aiming circle to tighten, and let loose a screaming volley of fire!.© 2019 Wargaming.netAll rights reserved. '' and 'World of Tanks', and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming in the USA and other countries. The 'PS' Family logo is a registered trademark and 'PS4' is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. 'Xbox' and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft.Our website uses cookies so that we can provide a better service.

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